Back packs -custom
Back Packs made with 100 % leather. Great for carrying any hands...
Bags & Belts
Bagz & Belts This leather skin like most of ours is classy...
Clutch bags
A clutch handbag or clutch purse is stylish and a strapless (non...
Fannie packs
Fannie packs are a convenient way to carry your personals in a...
For centuries handbags and purses have been functioning as practical accessories...
Handle it with style .
Customers styling their "hand bag from "Handle it handbagz"
Neck Pouch & Small body bags
A neck pouch is a easy way to travel and carry items...
Portfolio gallery
"Handle it handbagz "has made a variety of creative leather handbags...
Shoulder bags & Crossbody bags
To be worn either on your shoulder or across like with the...
Small body bags
Promise her anything but give her a handbag.
Wrist-lets are small but not all are the same. Most people...